See also: KNMI Climate Explorer ICA&D C3S2_311_Lot3

Use statistics


Use statistics

An overview of the use statistics of the ECA&D webpages is given on this page. The statistics of use were logged in the past using awstats. Part of the results in the figures below are based on these old logs and are currently not updated.


Number of unique visitors to the ECA&D webpages


The number of unique visitors per month to the ECA&D webpages is shown in this graph. Statistics excludes traffic generated by robots, worms, or replies with special HTTP status codes.


Nationality of ECA&D users


Pie chart of the use of the ECA&D webpages stratified by country. Only countries from WMO RA VI are included in this figure. The analysis is based on the number of hits on the website.


Number of E-OBS users

new E-OBS users

The gridded dataset E-OBS is a daily gridded observational dataset for precipitation, temperature and sea level pressure in Europe based on ECA&D information.


ECA&D and E-OBS in the scientific literature


ECA&D and E-OBS are used strongly in the science community. The cumulative citations to Klein Tank et al. (2002) and Haylock et al. (2008), introducing the ECA&D and E-OBS data sets respectively, are shown (source: Google Scholar).