See also: KNMI Climate Explorer ICA&D C3S2_311_Lot3

Home > Joint research


ECA&D joint research projects

ECA&D staff members work together in several joint research projects (see below). The scientists involved in these projects have access to all station data available in ECA&D (downloadable and non-downloadable) under the condition that the daily data series will not be distributed to third parties or used for other purposes (see our data policy).


MEDARE Initiative


ECA&D links to the MEditerranean climate DAta REscue (MEDARE) initiative, which aimed at developing, consolidating and progressing climate data and metadata rescue activities across the Greater Mediterranean Region. The digitized instrumental records resulting from this collaborative effort are added to the ECA dataset. Joint research considers the potential to construct long-term, merged, homogenised time series of stations in the circum-Mediterranean area.


ETH Zürich

ETH logo

ECA&D is involved in a joint research project with the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zürich, Switzerland (ETH Zürich). In this SunCloud project all available (downloadable and non-downloadable) sunshine duration series and cloud cover series are exchanged and analysed by staff from ECA&D and ETH.



JRC logo

ECA&D staff works together with the Joint Research Centre (JRC, Institute for Environment and Sustainability) on the European Drought Observatory. The aim of the European Drought Observatory is to provide near-real time monitoring, analysis and forecasting capacities and to provide annual assessment of drought and water scarcity based on a set of indicators. In this project the most relevant drought indices are selected based on both downloadable and non-downloadable data. Once operational, ECA&D will supply the JRC with climate index data.



SMHI logo

ECA&D staff works together with SMHI in the EURO4M project on evaluation and downscaling of regional reanalyses using station data from across Europe.