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Station details for Dublin Phoenix Park, IRELAND


53:21:50 N

WMO identifier

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06:19:10 W

GCOS station



49.0 m

ECA Station ID


Land use

Private area within large public urban park. Surrounds: trees from SE - S - W - N. Low buildings in other directions.

Soil type

Clay / Grey-brown podzolics predominant in the region

Surface coverage



Station history

There were station moves in 1842, 1855, 1936 and 1976. However, the post 1976 location is central in that the previous locations were all within about 100 metres of this location. The land in the area is quite flat.
During the second half of 1975 a building was constructed about 15m from the instrument screen. A new instrument screen about 32m from nearest corner of building became operational from 1 Jan 1976.